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Monday, 11 March 2024

Sterilization used in Microbiology Are?

However, it is impossible and impractical to sterilize our environment in the laboratory, which would involve the elimination of all

1) Sanitization:  reduces the number of
microorganisms on a surface with cleaning. Heat or chemicals are often used for sanitization in the health care environment .

2) Disinfection:  is the process by which
a medical assistant applies a chemical to a surface to kill the pathogenic microorganisms that may be present.Sanitization is often performed before an item is disinfected.
Eg: (equipment are disinfected on a regular basis. Skin may also be disinfected, as it is impossible to sterilize the skin by eliminating all the microorganisms. Seventy percent
isopropyl alcohol or povidone-iodine solutions are used for skin disinfection. Work surfaces and equipment are often disinfected in the laboratory with a freshly  prepared 10% bleach solution.

☆ Asepsis means that a surface is without infection. In the medical environment, there are two types of asepsis.

3) A) Surgical asepsis .
    B) Medical asepsis  .
i) • Temperature: The optimum temperature for each  microorganism will vary. Human pathogens tend to prefer our body temperature, so they grow best at approximately 98.6°F.

ii) • pH: A neutral pH is best suited for most microorganisms. This is why many disinfectants and cleaning agents are basic or acidic, as they will kill the microorganisms by making their environment inhospitable.

iii) • Darkness: and moisture: Most microorganisms like darkness or dim light, and they all need moisture to survive.

iv) • Nutrition: The type of nutrition varies depending on the type of microorganism, but they all need something in their environment to use as a food source.

V) Oxygen: Aerobic microorganisms need oxygen present for survival. Anaerobic microorganisms are best suited for environments that have an absence or low
levels of oxygen.

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